Homestead Journal 8/20/17

We ordered stickers for our cars that say “”. The stickers arrived this week and have been put on the cars! We also ordered sweatshirts and a water cup from our cafepress site and they

We ordered stickers for our cars that say “”. The stickers arrived this week and have been put on the cars! We also ordered sweatshirts and a water cup from our cafepress site and they should arrive in the next week sometime. Get yours or other logo items here: Happy Hills Homestead on Cafepress


Rachel (Flemish/New Zealand doe) delivered 6 kits! This is her first litter and so far she seems to be taking good care of the babies. She was bred with Ed (American buck). Margie moved into a double hutch that was previously Priscilla’s home. All of Michelle’s babies have moved into a PVC grow out cage and we are trying to breed Michelle again.


We collected 41 eggs from our Delawares and started them in the incubator this week. This will be our last batch in the incubator this year. We will most likely start more in the spring. Our plans are to build our own incubator for more consistent heat and humidity. We are hoping to start that project this winter.


Harvested 24 cucumbers, 3 pounds of green beans, 13 zucchini, and tons of cherry tomatoes. We have started to freeze our cherry tomatoes because we are now getting more than we can eat. Had our first attempt at making refrigerator pickles from the extra cucumbers that we had. They turned out really good and we have already consumed one quart size jar. Both bell peppers and hot peppers are starting to turn colors.


Habanero peppers still green, orange bell peppers, cherry tomatoes
Hot peppers


This week we picked up some free supplies from someone that is about 40 miles north of us. We got some old railroad ties, large fence posts, electric fence wire and some electric poly rope. It was a lot of work but hopefully we can use most of the stuff that we got. The plan is to use the fencing and posts for an electric fence around the garden next spring.

Free supplies

Finished two more rabbit foot key chains this week. The furs that we have been tanning are now in the final steps of stretching. It is our first time tanning hides and so far the process has been pretty smooth.