Review- Tiny oak barrel collar

When we decided that we were going to get a St. Bernard, I thought it would be a cute idea to do a weekly update photo that portrayed the myth about St. Bernards wearing barrel

When we decided that we were going to get a St. Bernard, I thought it would be a cute idea to do a weekly update photo that portrayed the myth about St. Bernards wearing barrel collars. For those of you who don’t know, the myth is that St. Bernard’s were used in the mountains to rescue people. They would carry whiskey in barrels around their necks to give to the victims to help them stay warm until help could arrive.

I found this little tiny barrel on Amazon – Tiny Barrel Collar

Upon opening the package, I wondered if the collar was going to be too heavy for his little body. I did the math. The collar weighed just under 3oz and Walter weighed 15 lbs. That made the collar just over 1 % of his body weight. I was totally fine with that number.

The barrel came with the option to personalize it so I was able to get his name engraved on the side. For those of you that intend to use this as an everyday collar, it’s a nice bonus to have their name on it. It also came with a leather buckle style collar that the barrel attaches to. We did not test the durability of the leather because this collar is not an everyday use collar for us.

The tiny custom oak barrel collar is something that we only use for photos once a week. It has held up great and lasted until Walter was about 17 weeks old. At 17 weeks it started to look too small and we were running out of spaces to buckle it.

We found this to be a great start for our photo project!