Every homesteader should keep a journal. It is very helpful and often times enjoyable to look back through the past years. What was the weather like? When did we start the tomatoes? When did we put the addition on the chicken house? Through reading a journal you get to relive your journey, learn from your mistakes and build on your successes. I will be sharing our weekly journal for our homestead below.
Homestead Journal 3/25/18
Another week of planning for spring. This is one of the busiest times of the year for us. There are so many things that all need to happen around the same time. We have baby
Homestead Journal 3/18/18
Spring is on the way! Lots of melting going on at the homestead. We still have a good coating of snow on the ground, some spots still have over a foot. The geese, swans and
Homestead Journal 3/11/18
This week we have been doing a lot of planning for our expansion. We are seriously considering getting goats for milk and meat some time later this year or next year. Over the years on
Homestead Journal 3/4/18
The weekly update is back! We slacked for about three months and now it’s time to get back on track with things. In the past three months, not a whole lot has happened here at
Homestead Journal 12/6/17
This is probably not the feature image you would imagine a Minnesota homestead would have in December. The cold weather has arrived and we feel like it is here to stay for the season. Which
Homestead Journal 11/19/17
We missed posting last week so we are making sure to get a post out this week. Our time has been consumed with planning some indoor winter projects. Most of them are home improvement projects.
Homestead Journal 11/5/17
We had a busy week filled with small projects and lots of planning. Rabbits: Weighed and moved Margie’s 6 kits to their grow out cage. Weighed our 11 week old rabbits from Rachel’s litter. They
Homestead Journal 10/29/17
This week we had our first snowfall. We were more prepared for it than we were last year but still didn’t get everything done that we wanted to. We are hoping that the snow will
Homestead Journal 10/22/17
We have been getting so much accomplished this week! Both Brian and Kori took a vacation day from our paying jobs to work on the homestead. Even though the homestead work is twice as hard
Homestead Journal 10/15/17
This was a very productive week for us. We had our first frost which reminded us that winter is on the way! Rabbits: With the temperature dropping down at night into the 20’s and 30’s